The Geriatric Interest Network

The Geriatric Interest Network of Blair County Region is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization. The Network’s activities are guided by a Board of Directors and Task Force comprised of professionals representing various disciplines and business segments concerned with aging adults. The diverse nature of the Board and Task Force creates a unique perspective of aging as representatives bring views and experience from many different fields. Such diversity encourages a more holistic perspective of aging. Through various programming and events, the Geriatric Interest Network strives to meet three basic objectives:

  • To provide opportunities for networking among professionals from varied services/disciplines.
  • To educate members on issues concerning older adults through professional conferences featuring a speaker and networking with others regarding available services.
  • To share common concerns or views on current issues facing older adults.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Geriatric Interest Network of the Blair County Region is to maximize the community’s awareness of services for older adults and informal caregivers of the region by providing a forum for professional networking among service providers and to enhance the quality of services for older adults in the region.

Vision Statement

The Geriatric Interest Network of the Blair County Region is a freestanding organization of providers of diverse geriatric services or products. The Network assumes a leadership role through the provision of regular forums, which offer opportunities for: education, informal support, networking, advocacy, sharing concerns, and resource integration.